The Rotary Club of Thornbury |
Thornbury is the centre of a lively community in South Gloucesterhire which our Rotary Club has served since its inception in 1Tho971. The town is situated just off the A38 in South Gloucestershire, 15 miles north of the historic city of Bristol, and within 10 minutes drive of the M4/M5 interchange. |
We are an active and friendly Club and Rotarians visiting our area will always receive a warm welcome at our meetings. Every Rotarian can attend any Club meeting anywhere in the world, so there is always somewhere to go, and people to meet, wherever business or leisure travel may take you ... we look forward to meeting you at the Rotary Club of Thornbury. |
In very nearly 40 years we have raised over £500,000, mainly through our annual 'Swimarathon' sponsored event. Funds raised have been distributed to numerous local, national and international charities, projects and appeals. |
We meet at at 7:30pm on every second and fourth Wednesdays (excluding Bank Holiday weeks) at the Ship Inn, Alveston. Dinner is followed by a guest speaker on the second Wednesday, and by a shorter presentation and club business on the fourth. When there is a fifth Wednesday in the month we have a 'members and their partners' dinner meeting.
See our Club Programme for forthcoming events. See our Join Rotary if you'd like to come along as our guest. |
Members of Thornbury Rotary Club do much more than fund-raising, however. We organise many youth, educational and community events, including Youth Speaks, Young Musician and Young Photographer competitions which are fiercely competed for by children from local Primary and Secondary Schools. We use our diverse range of skills wherever we can to add value to our local community. We support International projects including Aquabox , Shelterbox, WaterAid and are strongly involved in the End Polio Now challenge to eradicate polio from all countries in the world. |